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Mike recently started using Google Display Ads to create a more automated approach to managing his campaigns. What’s one automation model that Smart Display campaigns provides that might help Mike? Mike recently started using Google Display Ads to create a more automated approach to managing his campaigns. What’s one automation model that Smart Display campaigns provides that might help Mike? Automated rule generation Automated ad language translation Automated targeting Automated video production The post Mike recently started using Google Display Ads to create a more automated approach to managing his campaigns. What’s one automation model that Smart Display campaigns provides that might help Mike? appeared first on Certification Answers. More info: https://ift.tt/2lRkXSJ
Mike recently started using Google Display Ads to create a more automated approach to managing his campaigns. Whats one automation model that Smart Display campaigns provides that might help Mike?
Mike recently started using Google Display Ads to create a more automated approach to managing his campaigns. Whats one automation model that Smart Display campaigns provides that might help Mike?