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Match the marketers with the Display Ad format that fits them best. (Formats can be used more than once.) Match the marketers with the Display Ad format that fits them best. (Formats can be used more than once.) 1 Mirawants the mostfreedom (creative control)to decide how bestto combine her different images, text, and logos. 2 Sherry wants faster ads, that are lighter in load. 3 Sandy wants to create safer ads and reduce […] The post Match the marketers with the Display Ad format that fits them best. (Formats can be used more than once.) appeared first on Certification Answers. More info: https://ift.tt/2mpQtYx
Match the marketers with the Display Ad format that fits them best. (Formats can be used more than once.)
Match the marketers with the Display Ad format that fits them best. (Formats can be used more than once.)