
Peter sees in his teams data that many of the people that converted were exposed to a display campaign they ran. So they concluded the display campaign was a success. What did they forget to take into account?

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Peter sees in his team’s data that many of the people that converted were exposed to a display campaign they ran. So they concluded the display campaign was a success. What did they forget to take into account?   Peter sees in his team’s data that many of the people that converted were exposed to a display campaign they ran. So they concluded the display campaign was a success. What did they forget to take into account?   Establishing a baseline   Measuring view-through conversions   Proving incremental impact   Creating a focused question   […] The post Peter sees in his team’s data that many of the people that converted were exposed to a display campaign they ran. So they concluded the display campaign was a success. What did they forget to take into account? appeared first on Certification Answers. More info:
Peter sees in his teams data that many of the people that converted were exposed to a display campaign they ran. So they concluded the display campaign was a success. What did they forget to take into account?