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True or False: You can use contextual targeting with videos. False True Explanation: Contextual targeting is the process that matches ads to relevant sites in the Display Network using your keywords or topics, among other factors. Depending on your video ad format, you can show your video ads based on […] The post True or False: You can use contextual targeting with videos. appeared first on Certification Answers.
▷ π₯ True or False: You can use contextual targeting with videos. - CertificationAnswers 2018
October 29, 2018 at 07:54PM
Source: https://ift.tt/2zF7EZT
▷ π₯ True or False: You can use contextual targeting with videos. - CertificationAnswers 2018
October 29, 2018 at 07:54PM
Source: https://ift.tt/2zF7EZT