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Jane Takes On The Task Of Explaining To A New Client Why YouTube Is The Best Place For Their Marketing Dollars. She Tells Them That, With Data And Tools, Google Powers YouTube And Delivers Proven Results. What Other Reason Could Jane Give To Convince Her Client To Use YouTube? YouTube has the smallest number […]
The post Jane Takes On The Task Of Explaining To A New Client Why YouTube Is The Best Place For Their Marketing Dollars. She Tells Them That, With Data And Tools, Google Powers YouTube And Delivers Proven Results. What Other Reason Could Jane Give To Convince Her Client To Use YouTube? appeared first on Certification Answers.
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Jane Takes On The Task Of Explaining To A New Client Why YouTube Is The Best Place For Their Marketing Dollars. She Tells Them That, With Data And Tools, Google Powers YouTube And Delivers Proven Results. What Other Reason Could Jane Give To Convince Her Client To Use YouTube?