We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks. More info: https://www.certificationanswers.com/en/
You have just uploaded a 4 minute video clip into your InstagramTV (IGTV) channel. Youve added hashtags in the description to support discoverability. Whats another tactic you could have used to surface this video to your followers?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: You have just uploaded a 4 minute video clip into your InstagramTV (IGTV) channel. Youve added hashtags in the description to support discoverability. Whats another tactic you could have used to surface this video to your followers?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: You have just uploaded a 4 minute video clip into your InstagramTV (IGTV) channel. Youve added hashtags in the description to support discoverability. Whats another tactic you could have used to surface this video to your followers?