
Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?

Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?

Hanna führt seit ein paar Monaten eine Suchkampagne durch die sie gern etwas nachbessern würde. Sie hat die bisherige Leistung der Kampagne ausgewertet und möchte sie nun entsprechend optimieren. Welche drei Punkte sind für sie relevant?

Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?

Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?

Philipp ist bei einer Restaurantkette, zu der gehobene Bars gehören, für das Marketing zuständig. Er hat in einem Bulk-Upload eine Bar und das zugehörige Restaurant als separate Standorte hinzugefügt, obwohl sie sich an derselben Adresse befinden. Beide wurden abgelehnt. Was war der Grund für die verweigerte Zulassung?

Wenn eine Google Ads-Kampagne um Standorterweiterungen ergänzt wird, wird eine zusätzliche Zeile in die Anzeige eingefügt. Hierfür muss nur Google My Business mit einem Google Ads-Konto verknüpft werden. Was sehen potenzielle Kunden in einer Anzeige mit Standorterweiterungen?

Wenn eine Google Ads-Kampagne um Standorterweiterungen ergänzt wird, wird eine zusätzliche Zeile in die Anzeige eingefügt. Hierfür muss nur Google My Business mit einem Google Ads-Konto verknüpft werden. Was sehen potenzielle Kunden in einer Anzeige mit Standorterweiterungen?   Eine Sitemap der Website, Links zu spezifischen Seiten oder eine Schaltfläche für die Internetsuche   Eine Adresse, […]

The post Wenn eine Google Ads-Kampagne um Standorterweiterungen ergänzt wird, wird eine zusätzliche Zeile in die Anzeige eingefügt. Hierfür muss nur Google My Business mit einem Google Ads-Konto verknüpft werden. Was sehen potenzielle Kunden in einer Anzeige mit Standorterweiterungen? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Wenn eine Google Ads-Kampagne um Standorterweiterungen ergänzt wird, wird eine zusätzliche Zeile in die Anzeige eingefügt. Hierfür muss nur Google My Business mit einem Google Ads-Konto verknüpft werden. Was sehen potenzielle Kunden in einer Anzeige mit Standorterweiterungen?

Welche Aussage über das Attributionsmodell “Zeitverlauf” ist richtig?

Welche Aussage über das Attributionsmodell “Zeitverlauf” ist richtig?   Es werden Kaufpfade mit und ohne Conversion berücksichtigt.   Es ist das technisch ausgereifteste Modell unter den Attributionsprodukten von Google.   Der individuelle Kaufprozess von Kunden wird mithilfe von Algorithmen analysiert.   Touchpoints, die zeitlich näher an der Conversion liegen, wird ein größerer Wert zugeordnet.  

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from Mix ID 9709968
Welche Aussage über das Attributionsmodell “Zeitverlauf” ist richtig?

Bei Videokampagnen wird die View-through-Conversion der letzten Impression einer Videoanzeige zugeschrieben.

  Bei Videokampagnen wird die View-through-Conversion der letzten Impression einer Videoanzeige zugeschrieben.   Richtig   Falsch  

The post Bei Videokampagnen wird die View-through-Conversion der letzten Impression einer Videoanzeige zugeschrieben. appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Bei Videokampagnen wird die View-through-Conversion der letzten Impression einer Videoanzeige zugeschrieben.

Wie können Sie die in der Spalte “Conversions” gezeigten Daten anpassen?

Wie können Sie die in der Spalte “Conversions” gezeigten Daten anpassen?   Auktionsdatenbericht   Benutzerdefinierte Tabellen   Einstellung „In ‚Conversions‘ einbeziehen“   Einstellung „Spalten anpassen“  

The post Wie können Sie die in der Spalte “Conversions” gezeigten Daten anpassen? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Wie können Sie die in der Spalte “Conversions” gezeigten Daten anpassen?

Mit welchen der folgenden Aktionen können Sie die Conversion-Rate steigern?

Mit welchen der folgenden Aktionen können Sie die Conversion-Rate steigern?   Sie verwenden keine auszuschließenden Keywords.   Sie optimieren mithilfe von auszuschließenden Keywords die Zugriffe der Zielgruppe.   Sie verbessern die Conversion-Raten mit spezifischen Keywords.   Sie nutzen den Bericht zu Suchbegriffen, um die richtige Zielgruppe anzusprechen.  

The post Mit welchen der folgenden Aktionen können Sie die Conversion-Rate steigern? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Mit welchen der folgenden Aktionen können Sie die Conversion-Rate steigern?

Welche zwei Aussagen über Attributionsberichte sind wahr?

Welche zwei Aussagen über Attributionsberichte sind wahr?   Attributionsberichte enthalten App-Conversions und Ladenbesuche.   Attributionsberichte enthalten keine App-Conversions und Ladenbesuche.   Mithilfe von Attributionsberichten können Sie abschätzen, wie sich Änderungen an Ihrem Attributionsmodell auf Conversion-Berichte auswirken.   Mit den Attributionsberichten können Sie die Leistung auswerten und optimieren, nachdem Sie Ihr Attributionsmodell geändert haben.  

The post Welche zwei Aussagen über Attributionsberichte sind wahr? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Welche zwei Aussagen über Attributionsberichte sind wahr?

Hanna führt seit ein paar Monaten eine Suchkampagne durch, die sie gern etwas nachbessern würde. Sie hat die bisherige Leistung der Kampagne ausgewertet und möchte sie nun entsprechend optimieren. Welche drei Punkte sind für sie relevant?

  Hanna führt seit ein paar Monaten eine Suchkampagne durch, die sie gern etwas nachbessern würde. Sie hat die bisherige Leistung der Kampagne ausgewertet und möchte sie nun entsprechend optimieren. Welche drei Punkte sind für sie relevant?   Analysieren, welches Zielgruppen-Targeting am besten funktioniert, und sich verstärkt darauf konzentrieren   Mit Änderungen warten, bis die […]

The post Hanna führt seit ein paar Monaten eine Suchkampagne durch, die sie gern etwas nachbessern würde. Sie hat die bisherige Leistung der Kampagne ausgewertet und möchte sie nun entsprechend optimieren. Welche drei Punkte sind für sie relevant? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Hanna führt seit ein paar Monaten eine Suchkampagne durch, die sie gern etwas nachbessern würde. Sie hat die bisherige Leistung der Kampagne ausgewertet und möchte sie nun entsprechend optimieren. Welche drei Punkte sind für sie relevant?

Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?

  Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?   Datengetrieben   Letzte Interaktion   Linear   Zeitverlauf  

The post Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?

Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?

  Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?   Daten bei allen Besprechungen parat haben   Die Chance nutzen, aus Fehlern zu lernen   Daten nur etwa einmal im Monat ansehen   Kontinuierlich Tests durchführen  

The post Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?

Philipp ist bei einer Restaurantkette, zu der gehobene Bars gehören, für das Marketing zuständig. Er hat in einem Bulk-Upload eine Bar und das zugehörige Restaurant als separate Standorte hinzugefügt, obwohl sie sich an derselben Adresse befinden. Bei…

Philipp ist bei einer Restaurantkette, zu der gehobene Bars gehören, für das Marketing zuständig. Er hat in einem Bulk-Upload eine Bar und das zugehörige Restaurant als separate Standorte hinzugefügt, obwohl sie sich an derselben Adresse befinden. Bei…

Wenn eine Google Ads-Kampagne um Standorterweiterungen ergänzt wird, wird eine zusätzliche Zeile in die Anzeige eingefügt. Hierfür muss nur Google My Business mit einem Google Ads-Konto verknüpft werden. Was sehen potenzielle Kunden in einer Anzeige mit…

Wenn eine Google Ads-Kampagne um Standorterweiterungen ergänzt wird, wird eine zusätzliche Zeile in die Anzeige eingefügt. Hierfür muss nur Google My Business mit einem Google Ads-Konto verknüpft werden. Was sehen potenzielle Kunden in einer Anzeige mit…

Welche Aussage über das Attributionsmodell “Zeitverlauf” ist richtig?

Welche Aussage über das Attributionsmodell “Zeitverlauf” ist richtig?

Bei Videokampagnen wird die View-through-Conversion der letzten Impression einer Videoanzeige zugeschrieben.

Bei Videokampagnen wird die View-through-Conversion der letzten Impression einer Videoanzeige zugeschrieben.

Wie können Sie die in der Spalte “Conversions” gezeigten Daten anpassen?

Wie können Sie die in der Spalte “Conversions” gezeigten Daten anpassen?

Mit welchen der folgenden Aktionen können Sie die Conversion-Rate steigern?

Mit welchen der folgenden Aktionen können Sie die Conversion-Rate steigern?

Welche zwei Aussagen über Attributionsberichte sind wahr?

Welche zwei Aussagen über Attributionsberichte sind wahr?

Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?

Bei welchem der folgenden Attributionsmodelle wird der Kaufprozess der einzelnen Kunden mithilfe von Machine Learning bewertet?

Hanna führt seit ein paar Monaten eine Suchkampagne durch, die sie gern etwas nachbessern würde. Sie hat die bisherige Leistung der Kampagne ausgewertet und möchte sie nun entsprechend optimieren. Welche drei Punkte sind für sie relevant?

Hanna führt seit ein paar Monaten eine Suchkampagne durch, die sie gern etwas nachbessern würde. Sie hat die bisherige Leistung der Kampagne ausgewertet und möchte sie nun entsprechend optimieren. Welche drei Punkte sind für sie relevant?

Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?

Welche drei Verfahren aus der folgenden Liste haben sich für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen bewährt?

Which brand safety measures are in place by default when setting up a Google App campaign?

Which brand safety measures are in place by default when setting up a Google App campaign?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Which brand safety measures are in place by default when setting up a Google App campaign?

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPA of $10 what would be the recommended minimum budget?

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPA of $10 what would be the recommended minimum budget?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPA of $10 what would be the recommended minimum budget?

Janelles running a Google App campaign and knows that although its powered by machine learning her inputs as a marketer still matter a lot. In which three ways can Janelle best guide the machine toward a successful outcome? (Choose three.)

Alex read a lot about Google App campaigns, and he’s eager to start one of his own. What’s the first thing he should do before jumping into Google Ads interface?

Alex read a lot about Google App campaigns, and he’s eager to start one of his own. What’s the first thing he should do before jumping into Google Ads interface?   Create a library of assets he might use during the ad creation process. Gather feedback from people already using his app regularly. Conduct thorough […]

The post Alex read a lot about Google App campaigns, and he’s eager to start one of his own. What’s the first thing he should do before jumping into Google Ads interface? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Alex read a lot about Google App campaigns, and he’s eager to start one of his own. What’s the first thing he should do before jumping into Google Ads interface?

Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two.)

Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two.)   Select All Correct Responses Machine learning can analyze millions of signals and placements in real time. Machine learning reduces human bias and common errors. […]

The post Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two.)

What kind of positive impact will machine learning have on the advertising industry?

What kind of positive impact will machine learning have on the advertising industry?   Machine learning delivers relevant ads to each customer. Machine learning creates company strategies. Machine learning measures performance more effectively. Machine learning builds great customer relationships.  

The post What kind of positive impact will machine learning have on the advertising industry? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
What kind of positive impact will machine learning have on the advertising industry?

How does asset variety help with reach?

How does asset variety help with reach?   Increased asset variety helps ads show up across more of Google inventory. Increased asset variety lets ads show only on YouTube. Increased asset variety lets ads be more visible in Google Search. Increased asset variety lets ads show across more geographic locations within Google inventory.  

The post How does asset variety help with reach? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
How does asset variety help with reach?

Luca is preparing to run a Google App campaign focused on installs. His client wants to know where the campaign will be eligible to run. How should Luca respond?

Luca is preparing to run a Google App campaign focused on installs. His client wants to know where the campaign will be eligible to run. How should Luca respond?   Google Search, Google Play, Discover, Gmail, and Google Maps Gmail, Google Search, Google Play, and 3M videos in the YouTube network 3M sites and apps […]

The post Luca is preparing to run a Google App campaign focused on installs. His client wants to know where the campaign will be eligible to run. How should Luca respond? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Luca is preparing to run a Google App campaign focused on installs. His client wants to know where the campaign will be eligible to run. How should Luca respond?

What’s an advantage to having software developer kits (SDKs) in place from both Firebase and other measurement partners?

What’s an advantage to having software developer kits (SDKs) in place from both Firebase and other measurement partners?   It provides unlimited reporting on up to 250 distinct events. It tracks Android app installs and in-app purchases made through the Google Play store exclusively. It doesn’t require editing an app’s code or using a third-party […]

The post What’s an advantage to having software developer kits (SDKs) in place from both Firebase and other measurement partners? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
What’s an advantage to having software developer kits (SDKs) in place from both Firebase and other measurement partners?

Which two options are benefits of using Google Analytics for Firebase? (Choose two.)

Which two options are benefits of using Google Analytics for Firebase? (Choose two.)   Select All Correct Responses There’s no need to implement an SDK. It provides a simple Android-only solution. It provides automatic setup and out-of-the-box reporting. Data collection is transparent and more secure.  

The post Which two options are benefits of using Google Analytics for Firebase? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Which two options are benefits of using Google Analytics for Firebase? (Choose two.)

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPA of $10, what would be the recommended minimum budget?

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPA of $10, what would be the recommended minimum budget?   200 25 50 100  

The post For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPA of $10, what would be the recommended minimum budget? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPA of $10, what would be the recommended minimum budget?

Which brand safety measures are in place by default when setting up a Google App campaign?

Which brand safety measures are in place by default when setting up a Google App campaign?   App campaigns exclude all placements and mobile categories. App campaigns require users to upload an HTML file to prove app ownership. App campaigns are opted out of certain inappropriate or graphic content. App campaigns automatically select languages appropriate […]

The post Which brand safety measures are in place by default when setting up a Google App campaign? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Which brand safety measures are in place by default when setting up a Google App campaign?

Janelle’s running a Google App campaign and knows that although it’s powered by machine learning, her inputs as a marketer still matter a lot. In which three ways can Janelle best guide the machine toward a successful outcome? (Choose three.)

Janelle’s running a Google App campaign and knows that although it’s powered by machine learning, her inputs as a marketer still matter a lot. In which three ways can Janelle best guide the machine toward a successful outcome? (Choose three.)   Select All Correct Responses Janelle can set location targeting at the ad group level. […]

The post Janelle’s running a Google App campaign and knows that although it’s powered by machine learning, her inputs as a marketer still matter a lot. In which three ways can Janelle best guide the machine toward a successful outcome? (Choose three.) appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Janelle’s running a Google App campaign and knows that although it’s powered by machine learning, her inputs as a marketer still matter a lot. In which three ways can Janelle best guide the machine toward a successful outcome? (Choose three.)

Robert’s about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices, what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?

Robert’s about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices, what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?

What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)

What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)

Robert’s about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices, what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?

Robert’s about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices, what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?   A simplistic graphic of the app’s title, to help spark curiosity in potential users. A list of bullet points highlighting the app’s key features. An introduction […]

The post Robert’s about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices, what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Robert’s about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices, what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?

What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)

What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)   Select All Correct Responses Machine learning evolves campaign goals automatically, without input. Machine learning produces results that align with defined campaign goals. Machine learning saves time by analyzing hundreds of signals automatically. Machine learning sets campaign bids and budgets […]

The post What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)

Roberts about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?

Roberts about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Roberts about to start creating an HTML5 asset for his Google App campaign. According to HTML5 asset best practices what should be included before the HTML5 ad plays?

What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)

What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: What are two ways marketers can benefit from machine learning in Google Ads? (Choose two.)

What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?

What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?

Claras colleague recommended she use a built-in tool called Bid Guidance for her existing Google App campaign. What information can Clara expect to see when using Bid Guidance?

Harrys about to launch a new app and wants to attract new users with the help of a Google App campaign. Which campaign subtype should Harry select when setting up this new campaign?

At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?

What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?

Clara’s colleague recommended she use a built-in tool called Bid Guidance for her existing Google App campaign. What information can Clara expect to see when using Bid Guidance?

Clara’s colleague recommended she use a built-in tool called Bid Guidance for her existing Google App campaign. What information can Clara expect to see when using Bid Guidance?

Harry’s about to launch a new app and wants to attract new users with the help of a Google App campaign. Which campaign subtype should Harry select when setting up this new campaign?

Harry’s about to launch a new app and wants to attract new users with the help of a Google App campaign. Which campaign subtype should Harry select when setting up this new campaign?

At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?

What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?   App promotion alerts gamers of the latest industry news and information. App promotion encourages gamers to use hardware to improve their gameplay. App promotion helps users discover new games to download. App promotion helps convert mobile gamers into console and PC gamers. […]

The post What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
What important role does app promotion play in the mobile gaming industry?

Clara’s colleague recommended she use a built-in tool called Bid Guidance for her existing Google App campaign. What information can Clara expect to see when using Bid Guidance?

Clara’s colleague recommended she use a built-in tool called Bid Guidance for her existing Google App campaign. What information can Clara expect to see when using Bid Guidance?   An estimate of the number of installs or in-app actions she can drive with her bidding strategy. An estimate of the total number of impressions the […]

The post Clara’s colleague recommended she use a built-in tool called Bid Guidance for her existing Google App campaign. What information can Clara expect to see when using Bid Guidance? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Clara’s colleague recommended she use a built-in tool called Bid Guidance for her existing Google App campaign. What information can Clara expect to see when using Bid Guidance?

Harry’s about to launch a new app and wants to attract new users with the help of a Google App campaign. Which campaign subtype should Harry select when setting up this new campaign?

Harry’s about to launch a new app and wants to attract new users with the help of a Google App campaign. Which campaign subtype should Harry select when setting up this new campaign?   App engagement App installs App notifications App interactions  

The post Harry’s about to launch a new app and wants to attract new users with the help of a Google App campaign. Which campaign subtype should Harry select when setting up this new campaign? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Harry’s about to launch a new app and wants to attract new users with the help of a Google App campaign. Which campaign subtype should Harry select when setting up this new campaign?

At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?   Reporting level Ad group level Campaign level Asset level  

The post At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?   Reach, demographics, reporting Reach, relevance, simplicity Reporting, relevance, simplicity Reporting, simplicity, demographics  

The post Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?   Reach, demographics, reporting Reach, relevance, simplicity Reporting, relevance, simplicity Reporting, simplicity, demographics  

The post Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Roberto is explaining why a Google App campaign is a good strategy for app promotion. What should he highlight as the three main benefits of Google App campaigns?

In what way do Google App campaigns simplify the ad creation process?

In what way do Google App campaigns simplify the ad creation process?

When setting up a new Google App campaign, which three settings must be made at the campaign level?

When setting up a new Google App campaign, which three settings must be made at the campaign level?

Ben just launched an app for his pizza-delivery business. Which three in-app actions are most applicable for Ben’s business? (Choose three.)

Ben just launched an app for his pizza-delivery business. Which three in-app actions are most applicable for Ben’s business? (Choose three.)

Sally’s historically spent a lot of time in Google Ads making small changes to her campaigns, instead of focusing on higher level marketing strategy. What are two ways machine learning helps reduce the time she’ll spend in her Google App campaign? (Choo…

Sally’s historically spent a lot of time in Google Ads making small changes to her campaigns, instead of focusing on higher level marketing strategy. What are two ways machine learning helps reduce the time she’ll spend in her Google App campaign? (Choo…

Machine learning is being incorporated into many marketing activities, but recent research finds that certain activities are harder to automate. What remains a challenge for machine learning?

Machine learning is being incorporated into many marketing activities, but recent research finds that certain activities are harder to automate. What remains a challenge for machine learning?

Why doesn’t machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google App campaign?

Why doesn’t machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google App campaign?

What are the two key components of a high-quality app experience?

What are the two key components of a high-quality app experience?

What are two ways to achieve creative excellence in Google App campaigns? (Choose two.)

What are two ways to achieve creative excellence in Google App campaigns? (Choose two.)

What task could the Market Finder by Google tool help with?

What task could the Market Finder by Google tool help with?

Megan’s setting up a Google App campaign, but she’s not sure how specific to be when it comes to location targeting. Why should a marketer set a location target that’s at country level or larger?

Megan’s setting up a Google App campaign, but she’s not sure how specific to be when it comes to location targeting. Why should a marketer set a location target that’s at country level or larger?

In what way do Google App campaigns simplify the ad creation process?

In what way do Google App campaigns simplify the ad creation process?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: In what way do Google App campaigns simplify the ad creation process?

When setting up a new Google App campaign which three settings must be made at the campaign level?

When setting up a new Google App campaign which three settings must be made at the campaign level?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: When setting up a new Google App campaign which three settings must be made at the campaign level?

Ben just launched an app for his pizza-delivery business. Which three in-app actions are most applicable for Bens business? (Choose three.)

Ben just launched an app for his pizza-delivery business. Which three in-app actions are most applicable for Bens business? (Choose three.)
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Ben just launched an app for his pizza-delivery business. Which three in-app actions are most applicable for Bens business? (Choose three.)

Sallys historically spent a lot of time in Google Ads making small changes to her campaigns instead of focusing on higher level marketing strategy. What are two ways machine learning helps reduce the time shell spend in her Google App campaign? (Choose two.)

Machine learning is being incorporated into many marketing activities but recent research finds that certain activities are harder to automate. What remains a challenge for machine learning?

Why doesnt machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google App campaign?

Why doesnt machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google App campaign?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: Why doesnt machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google App campaign?

What are the two key components of a high-quality app experience?

What are the two key components of a high-quality app experience?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: What are the two key components of a high-quality app experience?

What are two ways to achieve creative excellence in Google App campaigns? (Choose two.)

What are two ways to achieve creative excellence in Google App campaigns? (Choose two.)
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: What are two ways to achieve creative excellence in Google App campaigns? (Choose two.)

What task could the Market Finder by Google tool help with?

What task could the Market Finder by Google tool help with?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: What task could the Market Finder by Google tool help with?

Megans setting up a Google App campaign but shes not sure how specific to be when it comes to location targeting. Why should a marketer set a location target thats at country level or larger?

Shayley’s reading an article about hiking trails on her mobile phone and sees an ad for hiking boots from outdoor retailer OneStop. She has the OneStop app installed and clicks on the ad. OneStop has enabled deep linking. What will happen next?

Shayley’s reading an article about hiking trails on her mobile phone and sees an ad for hiking boots from outdoor retailer OneStop. She has the OneStop app installed and clicks on the ad. OneStop has enabled deep linking. What will happen next?

Shayleys reading an article about hiking trails on her mobile phone and sees an ad for hiking boots from outdoor retailer OneStop. She has the OneStop app installed and clicks on the ad. OneStop has enabled deep linking. What will happen next?

Shayley’s reading an article about hiking trails on her mobile phone and sees an ad for hiking boots from outdoor retailer OneStop. She has the OneStop app installed and clicks on the ad. OneStop has enabled deep linking. What will happen next?

Shayley’s reading an article about hiking trails on her mobile phone and sees an ad for hiking boots from outdoor retailer OneStop. She has the OneStop app installed and clicks on the ad. OneStop has enabled deep linking. What will happen next?   Shayley will be taken to a Google search page with “hiking boots” […]

The post Shayley’s reading an article about hiking trails on her mobile phone and sees an ad for hiking boots from outdoor retailer OneStop. She has the OneStop app installed and clicks on the ad. OneStop has enabled deep linking. What will happen next? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Shayley’s reading an article about hiking trails on her mobile phone and sees an ad for hiking boots from outdoor retailer OneStop. She has the OneStop app installed and clicks on the ad. OneStop has enabled deep linking. What will happen next?

What’s the maximum number of localized store listing experiments that can be run at once in Google Play?

What’s the maximum number of localized store listing experiments that can be run at once in Google Play?

Gordon is running a Google App campaign for a news publisher and has recorded 200 unique subscriptions in the last 30 days. Is this enough conversion data for the machine to achieve optimal performance?

Gordon is running a Google App campaign for a news publisher and has recorded 200 unique subscriptions in the last 30 days. Is this enough conversion data for the machine to achieve optimal performance?

In which two scenarios would it make sense for the advertiser to run a campaign focused on in-app actions? (Choose two.)

In which two scenarios would it make sense for the advertiser to run a campaign focused on in-app actions? (Choose two.)

What’s the advantage to identifying app users with high lifetime value in a Google App campaign?

What’s the advantage to identifying app users with high lifetime value in a Google App campaign?

Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand Pharma Unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google App campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been updated since launch. What two things should Jasmeet do next? (Choose two.)

Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand Pharma Unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google App campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been updated since launch. What two things should Jasmeet do next? (Choose two.)   Select All Correct Responses Review the asset report, but wait another two […]

The post Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand Pharma Unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google App campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been updated since launch. What two things should Jasmeet do next? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand Pharma Unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google App campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been updated since launch. What two things should Jasmeet do next? (Choose two.)

Which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web?

Which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web?   Mobile web generates conversion rates three times that of shopping apps. Mobile web generates conversion rates ten times that of shopping apps. Shopping apps generate conversion rates ten times those of mobile web. Shopping apps generate conversion rates three times those of […]

The post Which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web?

What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google App campaign, powered by machine learning? (Choose two.)

What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google App campaign, powered by machine learning? (Choose two.)   Select All Correct Responses Select events done by at least 95% of users. Ensure events are being measured accurately. Select events done by more than 5% but fewer than 50% of users. Select […]

The post What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google App campaign, powered by machine learning? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google App campaign, powered by machine learning? (Choose two.)

Match the following building blocks of Google App campaigns with their descriptions.

Match the following building blocks of Google App campaigns with their descriptions.   Ad groups Ad assets   Individual elements such as lines of text, individual images, or videos. (2) A set of ads or ad assets that share common themes. (1)  

The post Match the following building blocks of Google App campaigns with their descriptions. appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Match the following building blocks of Google App campaigns with their descriptions.

Roger’s added text, image, and video assets to his ad group, but he isn’t familiar with HTML5 assets. Why would an advertiser choose to provide HTML5 assets in a Google App campaign?

Roger’s added text, image, and video assets to his ad group, but he isn’t familiar with HTML5 assets. Why would an advertiser choose to provide HTML5 assets in a Google App campaign?   To divert traffic to a webpage. To create audio-only ads. To create interactive ads. To serve lead forms.  

The post Roger’s added text, image, and video assets to his ad group, but he isn’t familiar with HTML5 assets. Why would an advertiser choose to provide HTML5 assets in a Google App campaign? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Roger’s added text, image, and video assets to his ad group, but he isn’t familiar with HTML5 assets. Why would an advertiser choose to provide HTML5 assets in a Google App campaign?

What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app?

What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app?   Select All Correct Responses To determine if app users have a preferred banking location. To increase user engagement with the app. To drive phone calls to customer service through the app. To help users discover the app.  

The post What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app?

Google App campaign objectives should depend on which of the following?

Google App campaign objectives should depend on which of the following?   The stage of app maturity Reviews left by people using the app Short-term events in relevant industries The objectives of similar businesses  

The post Google App campaign objectives should depend on which of the following? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Google App campaign objectives should depend on which of the following?

Linda wants to get the most from her Google App campaign ads. She writes the required amount of text assets, but doesn’t have many other assets to upload. Which assets may be auto-generated by the campaign, in addition to what Linda can upload?

Linda wants to get the most from her Google App campaign ads. She writes the required amount of text assets, but doesn’t have many other assets to upload. Which assets may be auto-generated by the campaign, in addition to what Linda can upload?

An eCommerce app received 500 installs, resulting in $1,000 in revenue. What tCPI should they use to start a new Google App campaign for installs?

An eCommerce app received 500 installs, resulting in $1,000 in revenue. What tCPI should they use to start a new Google App campaign for installs?

Pauline has a well-established app with a large user base. Now she needs new users who complete valuable actions within the app. What phase does this fall under?

Pauline has a well-established app with a large user base. Now she needs new users who complete valuable actions within the app. What phase does this fall under?

Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand Pharma Unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google App campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been updated since launch. What two things should Jasmeet do next? (Choose tw…

Jasmeet’s a marketer for healthcare brand Pharma Unite. She’s been asked to oversee a Google App campaign that started running two months ago, and she learns the assets haven’t been updated since launch. What two things should Jasmeet do next? (Choose tw…

Which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web?

Which statement is true regarding conversion rates between apps and mobile web?

What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google App campaign, powered by machine learning? (Choose two.)

What are two ways a marketer can provide good data to a Google App campaign, powered by machine learning? (Choose two.)

Match the following building blocks of Google App campaigns with their descriptions.

Match the following building blocks of Google App campaigns with their descriptions.

Roger’s added text, image, and video assets to his ad group, but he isn’t familiar with HTML5 assets. Why would an advertiser choose to provide HTML5 assets in a Google App campaign?

Roger’s added text, image, and video assets to his ad group, but he isn’t familiar with HTML5 assets. Why would an advertiser choose to provide HTML5 assets in a Google App campaign?

What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app?

What are the two most common reasons a finance company might choose to promote its app?

Google App campaign objectives should depend on which of the following?

Google App campaign objectives should depend on which of the following?

What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?

What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?
We help you to get prepared and pass your Marketing online Certification exams. It’s a better way to learn what you need using our Top Quality Time-Saving Guides and practical tips and tricks.
Get the answer of the question: What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?

What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?

What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?

What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?

What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?   Select All Correct Responses Update campaign settings daily. Adjust bids regularly. Set boundaries. Provide a lot of good data. Evolve the strategy.  

The post What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign?

Henry’s been running a Google App campaign for a number of days, and he noticed it’s still in a learning phase. What can contribute to an App campaign remaining in the learning phase for an extended time?

Henry’s been running a Google App campaign for a number of days, and he noticed it’s still in a learning phase. What can contribute to an App campaign remaining in the learning phase for an extended time?

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPI of $2, what would be the recommended minimum budget?

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPI of $2, what would be the recommended minimum budget?

Henry’s been running a Google App campaign for a number of days, and he noticed it’s still in a learning phase. What can contribute to an App campaign remaining in the learning phase for an extended time?

Henry’s been running a Google App campaign for a number of days, and he noticed it’s still in a learning phase. What can contribute to an App campaign remaining in the learning phase for an extended time?   Only providing text assets A low budget The campaign name Language setting  

The post Henry’s been running a Google App campaign for a number of days, and he noticed it’s still in a learning phase. What can contribute to an App campaign remaining in the learning phase for an extended time? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
Henry’s been running a Google App campaign for a number of days, and he noticed it’s still in a learning phase. What can contribute to an App campaign remaining in the learning phase for an extended time?

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPI of $2, what would be the recommended minimum budget?

For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPI of $2, what would be the recommended minimum budget?   500 20 100 10  

The post For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPI of $2, what would be the recommended minimum budget? appeared first on Certification Answers.

from Mix ID 9709968
For a Google App campaign optimizing to a tCPI of $2, what would be the recommended minimum budget?

Henrys been running a Google App campaign for a number of days and he noticed its still in a learning phase. What can contribute to an App campaign remaining in the learning phase for an extended time?